17 research outputs found

    Collectively autocatalytic sets

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    The origins of life probably involved autocatalysis. Kauffman's 1986 description of collectively autocatalytic sets—self-replicating reaction networks—and related ideas have influenced efforts to study the properties of reaction networks that may have given rise to life. Here, researchers discuss the impact of collectively autocatalytic sets on the field.</p

    Primitive selection of the fittest emerging through functional synergy in nucleopeptide networks

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    Many fundamental cellular and viral functions, including replication and translation, involve complex ensembles hosting synergistic activity between nucleic acids and proteins/peptides. There is ample evidence indicating that the chemical precursors of both nucleic acids and peptides could be efficiently formed in the prebiotic environment. Yet, studies on nonenzymatic replication, a central mechanism driving early chemical evolution, have focused largely on the activity of each class of these molecules separately. We show here that short nucleopeptide chimeras can replicate through autocatalytic and cross-catalytic processes, governed syn-ergistically by the hybridization of the nucleobase motifs and the assembly propensity of the peptide segments. Unequal assembly-dependent replication induces clear selectivity toward the formation of a certain species within small networks of complementary nucleopeptides. The selectivity pattern may be influenced and indeed maximized to the point of almost extinction of the weakest replicator when the system is studied far from equilibrium and manipulated through changes in the physical (flow) and chemical (template and inhibition) conditions. We postulate that similar processes may have led to the emergence of the first functional nucleic-acid-peptide assemblies prior to the origin of life. Furthermore, spontaneous formation of related replicating complexes could potentially mark the initiation point for information transfer and rapid progression in complexity within primitive environments, which would have facilitated the development of a variety of functions found in extant biological assembliesThe research was supported by the H2020 FET-Open (A.d.l.E and G.A.; CLASSY project, Grant Agreement NÂş 862081), an NSF-BSF grant (GA; BSF-2015671), and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (A.d.l.E; MINECO: CTQ-2014-53673-P, CTQ-2017-89539-P, and EUIN2017-87022). The European COST Action CM1304 funded a Short-Term Scientific Mission of S.M.R. to BGU. A.K.B. received support from the BGU Kreitmann fellowships progra

    Boolean Logic Functions of a Synthetic Peptide Network

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    Systems chemistry

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    Building on our ability to design and synthesise molecules and our understanding of the noncovalent interactions between these molecules, the chemical sciences are currently entering the new territory of Systems Chemistry. This young field aims to develop complex molecular systems showing emergent properties; i.e. properties that go beyond the sum of the characteristics of the individual consituents of the system. This review gives an impression of the state of the art of the field by showing a diverse number of recent highlights, including out-of-equilibrium self-assembly, chemically fuelled molecular motion, compartmentalised chemical networks and designed oscillators. Subsequently a number of current challenges related to the design of complex chemical systems are discussed, including those of creating concurrent formation-destruction systems, continuously maintaining chemical systems away from equilibrium, incorporating feedback loops and pushing replication chemistry away from equilibrium. Finally, the prospects for Systems Chemistry are discussed including the tantalizing vision of the de novo synthesis of life and the idea of self-synthesising and self-repairing chemical factories

    Open Prebiotic Environments Drive Emergent Phenomena and Complex Behavior

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    We have been studying simple prebiotic catalytic replicating networks as prototypes for modeling replication, complexification and Systems Chemistry. While living systems are always open and function far from equilibrium, these prebiotic networks may be open or closed, dynamic or static, divergent or convergent to a steady state. In this paper we review the properties of these simple replicating networks, and show, via four working models, how even though closed systems exhibit a wide range of emergent phenomena, many of the more interesting phenomena leading to complexification and emergence indeed require open systems

    Transient Fibril Structures Facilitating Nonenzymatic Self-Replication

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    An emerging new direction of research focuses on developing “self-synthesizing materials”, those supramolecular structures that can promote their own formation by accelerating the synthesis of building blocks and/or an entire assembly. It was postulated recently that practical design of such systems can benefit from the ability to control the assembly of amphiphilic molecules into nanostructures. We describe here the self-assembly pathway of short amphiphilic peptides into various forms of soluble β-sheet structuresβ-plates, fibrils, and hollow nanotubesand their consequent activity as autocatalysts for the synthesis of monomeric peptides from simpler building blocks. A detailed kinetic analysis of both the self-assembly and self-replication processes allows us to suggest a full model and simulate the replication process, revealing that only specific structures, primarily fibrils that are stable within the solution for a time shorter than a few hours, can be active as catalysts. Interestingly, we have found that such a process also induces fibril reproduction, in a mechanism very similar to the propagation of prion proteins by transmission of misfolded states